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Metric Halo :: +DSP License for Mobile I/O (requires 2d Card)

+DSP License for Mobile I/O (requires 2d Card)
Item code +DSP
Price: $549.00


Quantity:  2-4 Items  5+ Items 
Price: $549.00 $549.00

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+DSP License for Mobile I/O (requires 2d Card)  

+DSP License for 2d Card

While the 2d Card includes the basic processing bundle with every card, you can add a +DSP license to your box at any time. Adding a +DSP license will allow you to take advantage of the greatly increased processing power of the new DSP and the ease of inserting Plug-ins directly into mixer channels. If your unit is already a +DSP unit, then you already have a +DSP license. But if your unit doesn't already include +DSP, you can add a license without any additional physical changes to your hardware.

The +DSP license includes a variety of additional Plug-ins including Multi-band EQs, Compressor, Limiter, Distortion Processors, and many more. With the +DSP license, you also gain access to insertable graphs which allow you to build your own �Secret Weapon� processors � wrapped up, phase compensated graphs of Plug-ins that may be re-inserted on demand.

System-wide +DSP Licensing

MIO Console v.5 automatically extends any +DSP license on any attached box to all the boxes attached to your system (for boxes that are 2d Expanded) while the boxes are attached. What this means is that you can use any +DSP Plug-in or macro on any box in your system, as long as at least one +DSP licensed box is attached. If you need to store +DSP Plug-ins in persistent states or tend to split your boxes into multiple systems, you will need to license each box that needs to use the +DSP license independently.

Use the following table to see the differences between the plugins included with the 2d Card and the additional plugins and macros that you get with the +DSP bundle:

Feature2d Card2d Card +DSP
Character (22 types)
Mutlibus Mixer
Surround Support
Monitor Controller
M/S Decoder
Short Delay
MIO State Variable Filter
MIO Comp
MIO Limit
Delays Family(15 plugins)
MIO Simple Pitch Shifter
Allpass filters (2 plugins)
MIO Soft Clip Family (3 plugins)
MIO Nonlinear Map Family (4 plugins)
MIO Volume Control Family (16 plugins)
MIO A/B Switch Family (16 plugins)
MIO M/S Processor
Static Matrix Family (5 plugins)
Channel op Family (5 plugins)
Oscillator Family (6 plugins)
MIO Mod Delay
Insertable Graphs (infinite possibilites)
2d Amps 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Bass Head
Bass Head Shape 1
Bass Head Shape 2
British Mil Spec
British Mil Spec Bright Cab
British Mil Spec Grind
British Mil Spec Light Grind
British Mil Spec Rhythm
British Mil Spec+Vibrato+Trem
MH Clean
MH Clean Tweed
MH Hi-Gain
Small Dark
Small Dark No Cab
Small Tweed Crunch
Small Tweed Touch O' Dirt
2d Effects 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Autoflanger 2
Autoflanger 3
Cool Mono Echo
LoFi Mod Echo
Mono Rotary
Slap Delay
Stereo Rotary Speaker
2d Reverbs 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Diffuse Prime
Diffuse Room
Early Diffuse Room (no tail)
Hall 1
Med Diffuse Room
Small Diffuse Room
2d Mastering 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Parallel Compressor
Parallel Limiter
Mid-Side Compressor
Mid-Side EQ
Mid-Side Limit
Stereo Parallel Limiter
2d Pedals 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Nezumi Less Gain
Cabinets 2d Card2d Card +DSP
Closed 2x12
Closed 2x12 with Air
4x12 Cab


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