
Metric Halo Special Deals


From time to time, Metric Halo will have customer loyalty offers where existing customers get discounts on new products. If there is an offer for owners of interfaces or software that runs on the interface (like +DSP) you may generate your coupon from MIO Console.

You must be running MIO Console v5.5 or greater, and your interface(s) must be registered with MH. Once your hardware is registered make sure your computer is connected to the internet, go to the main MIO Console menu and select "Get MH Special Deals":




MIO Console will connect to the registration server and confirm your eligibility. Your web browser will open and display a confirmation page; in this example, +DSP owners can receive a discount on the Metric Halo Production Bundle:


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MH Special Deals page (click for larger image)


Select one of the eligible boxes, and enter the serial number of any other eligible products you own. Click on the Submit button, and you will receive your confirmation:



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Confirmation page (click for larger image)


You will receive an email from Metric Halo with a coupon code that you may present to your dealer or use at MH Direct to your redeem your discount.