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Metric Halo :: Custom Shop :: Custom Shop: One Channel Jensen JT16 Input Transformer option for your current ULN-2

Custom Shop: One Channel Jensen JT16 Input Transformer option for your current ULN-2
Item code CUS_JN-1
Shipping Weight 10.00 lbs
Price: $400.00


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Price: $400.00 $400.00

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Custom Shop: One Channel Jensen JT16 Input Transformer option for your current ULN-2  
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Introducing the Jensen Transformer option for the ULN-2/ULN-2+DSP

Since its release in 2002, the ULN-2 has enjoyed a legendary reputation for its pristine, wire-like gain, and has established itself as one of the best values in the professional audio industry. The ULN-2 posseses virtually every characteristic that is coveted in a Mic Preamp: exceptionally low noise at all gains, exceptionally high gain, excellent common mode and RFI rejection, incredibly flat frequency response, and ultra-low distortion. It simply increases the level of what you put into it without having to consider the nature of the source: Dynamic Mics, Phantom Powered Mics, Ribbon Mics, Instrument or line level signals are all handled with equal ease and quality.

So why change it?

The ULN-2 is an incredibly good Mic Pre, but sometimes you want something that isn�t quite "so pristine". It is well known that a certain amount of low-order harmonic distortion has a way of adding �depth� and �sheen� to everything that passes through it � which explains the high regard for to classic transformer coupled preamps.

Enter the Jensen Option

With the transformer option installed, the ULN-2 acquires that classic character. A few years ago, we fitted a prototype ULN-2 with a pair Jensen JT16-A's just for fun. We found that there were some very nice benefits to transformer coupling the input stage of the ULN-2. The Transformers impart a more "glossy", "smoothed" sound than the capacitively coupled ULN-2, which simply faithfully passes the source. Sonically, it's kind of like the difference between images shot on film and images shot in HD.

A second benefit is that the transformer completely electrically isolates the preamp from the source � raising the common mode rejection above its already excellent performance, and providing a measure of confidence when dealing with the unknowns of location sound.


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