SZEGED, HUNGARY: Metric Halo user and Hungarian Biophysical researcher, Dr. Tibor László Páli, M.Sc., C.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. (T.P.) mentions using Metric Halo ULN-8 and SpectraFoo for the digital signal processing and analysis in the recently published scientific article: Ferencz, C.-M. et al. Oscillating Electric Field Measures the Rotation Rate in a Native Rotary Enzyme. Sci. Rep. 7, 45309; doi: 10.1038/srep45309 (2017).
As Dr. Páli shared with the Metric Halo MIO Users Group, "Out of my ~100 scientific papers this high impact report is the first one, in which I mention using Metric Halo products in biophysical research. The paper is about exposing a protein to AC electric field with frequencies in the audio range." Dr. Páli continued, "In this paper MIOs and 'Foo had simple tasks, but more to come from my research group."
Metric Halo thanks Dr. Páli for mentioning Metric Halo in the scientific paper, and congratulates him and fellow researchers on the paper's recent publication in Nature.
Link to Scientific Paper: http://rdcu.be/qo1D
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Acknowledgements This project was supported by the Hungarian National Research Development and Innovation Fund (K 101633, K 112716) and in part also by the GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00001 programme. We thank Derek Marsh (Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany) for providing concanamycin A and for his help in preparation of the manuscript.
Author Contributions C.-M.F. worked out the experimental conditions, yeast vacuolar vesicle preparation and the activity assay, and also did most of the activity experiments. P.P. did further activity measurements. A.D. designed and optimised the sample cuvette, electrodes and voltage source. K.S.-N. re-analysed the data and did the statistical analysis. Z.K. helped in the experimental setup and computer-based analysis. T.P. coordinated the project. His was the original concept of using AC fields, the experimental design, and basic interpretation of the results.
As seen in Nature | Scientific Reports. |