Community Resources

Metric Halo users have formed a vibrant world-wide community on the internet and have created a number of resources that users can utilize for peer-support, interesting discussion, and help with related techniques and technologies. We are proud that Metric Halo users are super-sharp and super helpful. If you are looking from help from other users, want to ask questions about the gear or products of independent owners, or simply want to learn about a wide variety of audio and computer topics, we recommend that you take a look at one of the community resources listed below!

Metric Halo Forum

A discussion forum to talk with other Metric Halo users, run by Metric Halo is available at

Metric Halo Wiki

This wiki is provided by Metric Halo, but is maintained by our users to allow them to post hints and tips for using our interfaces and software. It is available at



Members of Metric Halo staff read the discussions on the lists below, and respond where appropriate. These lists are not official support channels, and should not be used to communicate with Metric Halo for official support requests. If you need support from the company, please contact Metric Halo Support for assistance.


Mobile I/O Users Mailing List

The oldest and most active community is the user-administered Mobile I/O Users Mailing list hosted by the Music Department at Virginia Tech. You can subscribe to the list via its Portal Page. Once you have registered, you can also access the list archives. It was originally initiated on Yahoo by Steve Hilmy, and is now Moderated by Hiro Honshuku.

Metric Halo User Forum on Mac OS X Audio

This is a newer, forum-style community hosted on Mac OS X Audio. It was set up by Marc Schonbrun, and is Moderated by Marc Schonbrun, Orren Merton, and Allen Rowand.

Metric Halo User Forum on Logic Users Group

This is a newer, forum-style community hosted on the Logic Users Group forums. It was set up by Orren Merton, and is Moderated by Orren Merton, Allen Rowand and the LUG moderators.

Metric Halo Social Media

You can check out our Facebook page to follow news and conversations about us, watch informative videos on our YouTube channel, and listen to recordings our users have made in the "Made with Metric Halo" group on SoundCloud.

Facebook Subscribe to me on YouTube soundcloud alt


SpectraFoo Mailing List

This is a low-volume mailing list dedicated to SpectraFoo and discussions about acoustic and system measurement and metering hosted by the Music Department at Virginia Tech. You can subscribe to the list via its Portal Page. Once you have registered, you can also access the list archives. It is Moderated by Michael Dunston.



If you need more ideas or inspiration as to what you can do with Metric Halo gear, you can read stories about our users in the News.

