SAFETY HARBOR, FLORIDA (USA) - September 2016: Metric Halo announces their complete product line is ready for macOS 10.12 (Sierra), slated to launch on Tuesday, September 20, 2016.
Please visit http://www.apple.com/macos/sierra to learn more about macOS Sierra.
Please visit http://www.mhlabs.com to download the latest Metric Halo installers, compatible with macOS 10.12 (Sierra).
Although pro audio manufacturers like to throw around the word “future-proof,” no one can compare with Metric Halo’s proven track record. Indeed, users of its 2882 hardware interface, introduced in 2000, are still using their original boxes with modern Macs via a well-coordinated plan of free software upgrades that keep them current! That philosophy and dedication extends to Metric Halo’s hardware drivers, MIO Console software, plug-in software, and SpectraFoo software, all of which are completely compatible with Mac’s newest operating system, 10.12 Sierra. No need to worry about incompatibility issues with Metric Halo, everything will simply work after the OS upgrade just as it did before the OS upgrade. Easy peasy.
How is it possible? In a word: amazing software engineering and a commitment to keeping users up and running. Metric Halo knows the macOS inside and out and has built its software on macOS’s solid foundations – relying on the kinds of things that don’t change with new OS versions, and rigorously testing for the things that do. By developing the entire audio driver stack, Metric Halo ensures that its products are fully under its control – so you don’t have to rely on drivers created by third parties who don’t understand or care about the needs of pro audio users.
Long story short, download the current MH software from Metric Halo’s website, and feel free to upgrade your Mac to macOS 10.12 Sierra; your Metric Halo hardware and software is completely compatible with the upgrade.
As seen in Pro Tools Expert, Avid Pro Audio Community and Plugivery.com.
Article Updated September 26, 2016 |